This is the complete list of members for geAstro::System, including all inherited members.
addMoon(std::shared_ptr< Moon > _moon) | geAstro::System | |
addPlanet(std::shared_ptr< Planet > _planet) | geAstro::System | |
addSmallBody(std::shared_ptr< SmallBody > _smallBody) | geAstro::System | |
addStar(std::shared_ptr< Star > _star) | geAstro::System | |
BodyType enum name | geAstro::System | |
calculateMeanOrbitalParameters() | geAstro::System | |
clear() | geAstro::System | virtual |
create(std::string _name, std::string _rightascensionString, std::string _declinationString, double _rightascension, double _declination, double _distance, double _epoch) | geAstro::System | |
createSmallBodyPointCloud(std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader > _programForPoints) | geAstro::System | |
drawObjectsOfType(System::BodyType _type, std::shared_ptr< ge::Camera > _cam) | geAstro::System | |
drawOrbitsOfType(System::BodyType _type, std::shared_ptr< ge::Camera > _cam) | geAstro::System | |
getBodiesInSystem() | geAstro::System | |
getDeclination() const | geAstro::System | |
getDistance() const | geAstro::System | |
getDrawableForSelection(UniverseSelection _selection) const | geAstro::System | |
getEpoch() const | geAstro::System | |
getGroupID() const | ge::GlobeComponent | |
getHabitableZone() const | geAstro::System | |
getInverseRotationMatrix() | geAstro::System | |
getInverseTranslationMatrix() | geAstro::System | |
getMeanInclination() const | geAstro::System | |
getMeanOmega() const | geAstro::System | |
getMeanW() const | geAstro::System | |
getMoonsInSystem() | geAstro::System | |
getName() const | ge::GlobeComponent | |
getNumberOfBodies() | geAstro::System | |
getPlanetsInSystem() | geAstro::System | |
getRightAscension() const | geAstro::System | |
getRotationMatrix() | geAstro::System | |
getSmallBodiesInSystem() | geAstro::System | |
getStarsInSystem() | geAstro::System | |
getTranslationMatrix() | geAstro::System | |
getUID() const | ge::GlobeComponent | |
getWorldPosition() | geAstro::System | |
GlobeComponent() | ge::GlobeComponent | inline |
group_uid | ge::GlobeComponent | protected |
isSolarSystem() const | geAstro::System | |
MOONS enum value | geAstro::System | |
name | ge::GlobeComponent | protected |
PLANETS enum value | geAstro::System | |
setGroupID(GLuint _input) | ge::GlobeComponent | virtual |
setHabitableZone() | geAstro::System | |
setHabitableZone(std::shared_ptr< ge::Shader > _ringShader, std::shared_ptr< HabitableZoneClassification > _hzClass, std::shared_ptr< ge::TextureHandle > _earthLikeTexHandle) | geAstro::System | |
setName(std::string _name) | ge::GlobeComponent | |
setUID(GLuint _input) | ge::GlobeComponent | virtual |
SMALLBODIES enum value | geAstro::System | |
SMALLBODYCLOUDS enum value | geAstro::System | |
STARS enum value | geAstro::System | |
System() | geAstro::System | |
uid | ge::GlobeComponent | protected |
update() | geAstro::System | virtual |
updateOrbits(double _currentDate) | geAstro::System | |
~GlobeComponent()=0 | ge::GlobeComponent | pure virtual |
~System() | geAstro::System | |