
A panel provides a forum to discuss topics and issues from various perspectives. It is a platform for the leading experts in academia and industry to present disagreements and conflicting perspectives on relevant IS research topics and issues.

The goal of panels at the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 2011 is to foster the discussion on controversial topics in area relevant to the field. The panelists should be drawn from different viewpoints on the subject area, attract a wide audience, and draw the active participation of the audience.

Panel session will be 60 minutes long. We strongly encourage any format that includes the audience in the discussion. At best, not more than 30 minutes of the panel should be taken up by the panelists. A typical panel has a (neutral) moderator and 3-4 panelists.

Panel proposals will not be blind reviewed as the panelists, who are the leading experts in the topic areas, need to be identified and verified. A panel proposal shall not be longer than 3 pages and should include the following parts:

  • Introduction: General description of controversy to be addressed in the panel
  • Relevance: A justification for the relevance of the topic to the field of IS.
  • Panelists’ Positions: Controversial issue and its opponents and proponents need to be identified. The names and positions of the panelists’ viewpoints should be made clear.
  • Moderator’s Suitability: the moderator’s suitability as neutral party should be succinctly explained
  • Biographies: A short biography of panel facilitator and each panelist with his or her background and expertise related to the topic should be provided
  • Participation Statement: A commitment regarding the participation of the panelists in the conference and in the panel debate has to be made, if the proposal is accepted
  • References can be provided as required.
  • Abstract: An abstract of the panel proposal not longer than 250 words should be provided. This will be published in the conference program and on the website, if the proposal is accepted.

The panel submissions can be in German or English and they should be submitted as PDF files. 


